
The sacrament of confirmation is one of the most important and sacred experiences that members of the Catholic religion can have. Catholic confirmation is usually the second or third sacrament that Catholics experience after baptism and sometimes communion. All Catholics must undergo confirmation, meaning that confirmation is actually the final step to becoming fully converted to Catholicism.


Jesus instituted the sacrament of Confirmation after his resurrection. He breathed on his Apostles and said “as the Father sent me, so I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:21-22). The confirmationin the Spirit happened for the first time on Pentecost, when the Holy SPirit, like tongues of fire, came over the Apostles and Mary and gathered in prayer in the Cenacle (Acts 2:1-4). Therefore, the Confirmation in the Spirit took place every time the Apostles laid their hand over the disciples. As the Scriptures say:  “They were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the moment Paul had laid hands on them the Holy Spirit came down on them” (acts 19:6).  Inour modern time, the minister of Confirmation is the bishop. A priest can administer the Confirmation in especial cases with the permission of the bishop. 


The sacrament of Confirmation confers two major spiritual graces: 

  1. Receiving the Holy Spirit – this is where the Confirmandi receive the Holy Spirit and his Seven Gifts: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Strength, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord. 
  2. Becoming the Soldiers of Christ – those who are confirmed become spiritual soldiers of Christ and witnesses of his faith till death. 

Only baptized Catholic can receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Beforehand, the confirmands must prove to know the Apostolic Creed, the Ten Commandment, the Seven Sacraments, and the Our Father. The Confirmation should be given only once.  The Confirmandi must receive the Sacrament of Penance before receiving the Confirmation and should be accompanied by a godparent, possibly the same of Baptism, on the day of Confirmation. 



– Baptismal Certificate

– Must be 13 years old and above 
– Name of Sponsor (one Ninong/Ninang) and must be Catholic

– Complete attendance to series of pre-sacramental catechesis /seminar-orientation

–  Candle 

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