Commission on Christian Education

Mission: Proclaim the Word of God to the families, the poor and the youth in the pursuit of Renewed Integral Evangelization towards integration of faith and life. 


      • Assist in the work of evangelization through education and formation.
      • Oversee the implementation of the catechetical programs of the Catechetical Ministry. 
      • Promote the Bible Apostolate and its programs. 
      • Regulate, promote, and develop various Adult Renewal Programs. 
      • Promote Catholic formal education through the Catholic Educational Association of Legazpi (CEAL).
      • Promote and implement pastoral concerns  on Culture, Mission, and the Doctrine of the Faith. 


Priest in-charge: Rev. Fr. Paulo Barandon 

Lay Co-chair: Irene Rosopa

Vice-Lay Co-chair: 

Secretary: Harumi B. Revidad

Treasurer: Avelina Mijares

Chair, Parish Catechetical Ministry: Merly Realubit

Chair, Parish Biblical Apostolate: Irene Rosopa

Chair of Parish Renewal Movement: Ted Revidad/ Ana Liza Revidad 

Catholic Educational Association of Legazpi (CEAL) – St. Mary’s Academy


        1. Ma. Merly Realubit
        2. Harumi B. Revidad
        3. Teresita B. Obias 
        4. Natividad Payno 
        5. Avelina Mijares
        6. Nimfa Barcelona
        7. Letecia Abelon 
        8. Alma Tranquilino 
        9. Angelita Cha 
        10. Rita Celon 
        11. Niña Buenafe 
        12. Anna LIza Robles (aspiring) 
        13. Evangeline Dineros (aspiring) 
        14. Clara Mercado (aspiring) 
        15. Tita Perillo (aspiring) 
        16. Michelle Patanao (aspiring) 
        17. Salvacion Bansales (aspiring) 

Programs and Services 

        • Catechetical Instructions to School Learners 
        • Pre-Sacramental Catechesis to Parents of Infant/Adult who will receive Baptism, Communicants, and Confirmands
        •  Biblical Apostolate – Bible Sunday Celebration (Bible Enthronement and Bible Cosplay), SAKOPs Bible Formation
        • Parish Renewal and Evangelization Program – Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) Seminar, Neo Catechumenal Way 
        • On-going Training and Formation

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