Commission on Temporalities

Mission: Steward the temporal goods and resources of the diocese for its sustainability and welfare



      • Assist the Bishop in managing the temporal goods and resources of the diocese, particularly in matters of human resource, cemeteries, buildings, sites, and cultural heritage.
      • Ensure the implementation of diocesan policies on temporalities. 



Priest in-charge: Rev. Fr. Paulo Barandon 

Lay Co-chair Angelita L. Cha

Vice Lay Co-chair: Lolit Quiapo

Secretary: Kie April Vicente

Treasurer: Chona Pintor

Chair, Sub-commission on Lands, Sites, and Cultural Heritages: Angelita Cha 

Chair, Sub-commission on Human Resource: Mavir Olavario

Head, Cemetery Monitoring Team: Brian Palima 


Programs and Services: 

        • Management of RCBLI Properties – 
            • Master Plan for Building and Sites (Church and Cemetery) 
            • Inventory of Properties (Church, church lot, cemetery, chapels, sites, sacred images and materials, fixture, furniture)
            • Titling of owned or donated lot
        • Preservation and Promotion of (heritage) site/s.
        • Improvement of Parish Structures, Physical Properties and Services 
            • Collection and Preservation old liturgical/rectory/office materials
            • Cataloguing of Sacred Images and physical properties
            • Maintenance and disposal of old liturgical/rectory/office materials
            • Construction/renovation of Church, Chapel, Adoration Chapel, Baptistry, Rectory, Dorm, Offices, and other facilities) 
            • Computerization of Books (Baptism)
        • Fund Mobilization (lead with the support of other commissions) 
        • Training & Formation 

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