Commission on Social Concerns
Mission: Empower communities to become compassionate witnesses, truthful communicators and dynamic advocates of Christ and His Gospel.
- Engage the faithful in the diocese in practicing the faith in view of being a Church of the Poor, and addressing concerns on justice, peace, and integrity of creation.
- Develop and implement social action programs and projects.
- Operate the various media of communication of the diocese for evangelization and development of people.
Priest in-charge: Rev. Fr. Fernando Rodriguez Jr.
Lay Co-chair: Ched Malate
Vice Lay Co-chair: Daylinda S. Pobre
Secretary: Generosa A. Peñafiel
Asst. Secretary: Norma Morga
Treasurer: Rosalina C. Dayandante
Asst. treasurer: Lilia B. Cate
Cluster Head:
TADA: Ched Malate
Healthcare: Generosa A. Peñafiel
Education: Ma. Luisa B. Morada
Livelihood: Daylinda Pobre
Protection: Evangelina R. Diaño
Empowerment: Edgar Talavera
DRR-CCA: Dennis Ita
Priority Sector:
- Poor Families
- Women and Children
- Person with Disability
- Person Deprived with Liberty
- Victims/hardest hit of Calamities
- TADA (Tanganing an Dukda Atamanon)
- Healthcare – medical and dental mission in partnership with civic groups
- Education – scholarship; school supplies
- Livelihood – BPC vegetable gardening, SEDP Loan Products
- Protection – Referral
- Empowerment – Voters’ Education, PPCRV/NAMFREL Precinct Pollwatching, Participation in Local Governance (LSB/LDC, Councils, Committees)
- DRR-CCA – Parish Emergency Response (Church Facilities open for Evacuation, Relief Operations, Soup Kitchens), Tree Planting, Clean Up Drive
- Training and Formation
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