Bible Month Celebration

The Bible Month happens during the month of January throughout the year 2025. This was a time when what was Bible Month became observed-an observance on deepening one ‘s faith, understanding the scriptures, and even participating in God ‘s word transformative power. This event, usually being celebrated among Christian communities, provides an occasion for people to reflect on the biblical image of spiritual, moral, and cultural values. Let’s talk about the origin, significance, and activities that orbit Bible Month.

Origins and Historical Background
The basis of this celebration is the entire concept of recognizing the Bible’s role in faith as well as in everyday life. Many nations, such as the Philippines, have actually declared January to be Bible Month. This particular observation further highlights the Bible as a guide, wisdom, and inspiration.

In the Philippines, the event traces back to Presidential Proclamation No. 124, signed in 1986, which declared the last week of January as National Bible Week. This celebration has expanded within the years into an entire month-long celebration in January. In 2017, Proclamation No. 124, signed by then-President Rodrigo Duterte, formally declared January as National Bible Month-not really imposing it, but simply solidifying this important observance for a mostly “pro-Christian” nation.

Theological Theme for Bible Month 2025
All throughout the years, a certain theme has served in the selection of the Bible Month celebration. Here, for example, is the theme for 2025:
“Abiding in God’s Word: A Light to Our Path”
(Adapted from Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”)

Such a theme reminds one to be founded on God ‘s Word in and through every journey, sometimes because decisions and actions must be driven by it, despite the uncertainties of life.

Meaning of Bible Month
Promoting Biblical Literacy: The celebration encourages reading, thus helping people, families, and communities.

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