Commission on Christian Education
Mission: Proclaim the Word of God to the families, the poor and the youth in the pursuit of Renewed Integral Evangelization towards integration of faith and life.
- Assist in the work of evangelization through education and formation.
- Oversee the implementation of the catechetical programs of the Catechetical Ministry.
- Promote the Bible Apostolate and its programs.
- Regulate, promote, and develop various Adult Renewal Programs.
- Promote Catholic formal education through the Catholic Educational Association of Legazpi (CEAL).
- Promote and implement pastoral concerns on Culture, Mission, and the Doctrine of the Faith.
Priest in-charge: Rev. Fr. Paulo Barandon
Lay Co-chair: Irene Rosopa
Vice-Lay Co-chair:
Secretary: Harumi B. Revidad
Treasurer: Avelina Mijares
Chair, Parish Catechetical Ministry: Merly Realubit
Chair, Parish Biblical Apostolate: Irene Rosopa
Chair of Parish Renewal Movement: Ted Revidad/ Ana Liza Revidad
Catholic Educational Association of Legazpi (CEAL) – St. Mary’s Academy
- Ma. Merly Realubit
- Harumi B. Revidad
- Teresita B. Obias
- Natividad Payno
- Avelina Mijares
- Nimfa Barcelona
- Letecia Abelon
- Alma Tranquilino
- Angelita Cha
- Rita Celon
- Niña Buenafe
- Anna LIza Robles (aspiring)
- Evangeline Dineros (aspiring)
- Clara Mercado (aspiring)
- Tita Perillo (aspiring)
- Michelle Patanao (aspiring)
- Salvacion Bansales (aspiring)
Programs and Services
- Catechetical Instructions to School Learners
- Pre-Sacramental Catechesis to Parents of Infant/Adult who will receive Baptism, Communicants, and Confirmands
- Biblical Apostolate – Bible Sunday Celebration (Bible Enthronement and Bible Cosplay), SAKOPs Bible Formation
- Parish Renewal and Evangelization Program – Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) Seminar, Neo Catechumenal Way
- On-going Training and Formation
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Parish Catechetical Ministry BLESSED, INSPIRED and MOVED After a brief hiatus of working in the ‘vineyard of the Lord’ twelve (12) catechists of the parish