Novena to the Virgin of Peñafrancia
Opening Hymn
Mary crowned with living light, temple of the Lord, place of peace and holiness, shelter of the Word.
Mystery of sinless life in our fallen race, free from shadow you reflect Plenitude of grace.
Mary Crowned with Living Light, Handmaid of the Lord Chosen Mother of His Son Savior of us all, Mary, Mother of His Son, Chosen from us all.
Virgin, mother of our God, lift us when we fall, who were named upon the cross Mother of us all.
Father, Son and Spirit blest, heaven sings your praise; Mary magnifies your name Through eternal days
First Day
Sign of the cross.
Act of Contrition
My Lord, Jesus Christ, true God and true man, in whom I believe, in whom I hope, in whom I love above all things, I am deeply sorry for having offended You, because you are the infinite goodness. And thru the powerful intercession of the Blessed Mother, the Holy Virgin Mary, whom I would like to honor all the days of my life, but most particularly during this novena which I dedicate to the glory of her most holy name, I promise never more to offend You with the help of Your divine grace. Amen.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.
O most lovable Queen and Mother Mary, whose sweet name gladdens the heavens, consoles the earth and daunts hell! O peerless greatness granted to You by Him who is omnipotent, that all might share in the benefits of that plentitude, namely: the sick their cure; the sorrowful their consolation; the sinners their forgiveness; the angels their joy; and the blessed Trinity untold glory! I have recourse in this novena to you as an armour of my defense, as a medicine for my health, as a consolation for my grief, as an effective relief for my burdens, as help unto the remission of my sins and as a universal remedy for all my need. Therefore, I beseech You time and again and frequently repeat these sweet words:
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.
May I receive from your mercy and benevolence a participation in the benign influence of your name and may I become one of your most faithful children, so that living always under this precious protection, may I be granted the special intention of this novena, if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of my soul. Amen.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.
Prayers and Hail Mary’s
(Now we greet the most sweet name of Mary with the following prayers and the Hail Mary’s.)
M – other, most beloved, in all the occasions of my life remember me, miserable sinner. Hail Mary …
A – queduct of divine graces, grant me abundant tears toward the forgiveness of my sins. Hail Mary …
R – oyal Queen of heaven and earth be my help and defense against the assaults of my enemies. Hail
I – lustrious and beloved daughter of Joaquin and Anna, pray to your divine Son to grant me the graces I
need for my salvation. Hail Mary …
A – dvocate and refuge of sinners be at my bedside at the hour of my death and open for me the portals
of heaven. Hail Mary …
(A short pause follows in which one may ask from Our Lord through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin of Peñafrancia, the special grace desired in this Novena. Then the following concluding prayer is said.)
Concluding Prayer for the 1st Day
O sovereign Queen and Mother, Mary, I humbly beseech You; to give me light and knowledge of the noble origin of my soul whose only Creator and Father is God himself, who made it fully capable to enjoy the essence of the Holy Trinity. Make my soul restless amidst the earthly things until it possesses the infinite goodness. Help me, Virgin of Peñafrancia, that I may not degenerate from such a noble and sublime origin nor may I tarnish with ingratitude the honor of having a soul like unto God, but on the contrary, that with a generous spirit I may live so as to enjoy the possession of my God and Lord. Amen.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us.
Second Day
Concluding Prayer for the 2nd Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
Most wise Queen and Mother Mary, I humbly beseech you, oh Virgin of Peñafrancia, in your plenitude, have mercy on my ignorance, a consequence of original sin, which allows us to commit errors and to lose the clear insight into our perfections. Grant me enlightenment by your grace in the election of the state of life that I should take, that I may, without odds and difficulties, attain the ultimate end for which I ought to offer all the things of this life: the eternal beatitude, where I may bless and enjoy God for all eternity. Amen.
Third Day
Concluding Prayer for the 3rd Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O most fortunate Lady and Blessed Creature Mary, whose most sweet name is, interpreted “God from my lineage”! Through the intercession of your sublime name, I humbly beseech you O Virgin of Peñafrancia, to instill in me deep gratitude towards God for the privilege granted to us mortals to become brethren of our Lord and God, who created us to make us live faithful to the Maker of such great mysteries and favors. Amen.
Fourth Day
Concluding Prayer for the 4th Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O most benign Mother Mary, whose most sweet name means “Star of the sea”, You are the most secure refuge of our souls amidst the tempestuous sea of life until we anchor to the shore of glory. I humbly beseech you, O Virgin of Peñafrancia, through the intercession of your holy name, protect me from the many pitfalls and abysses of temptations that surround me and that I seek to deviate my steps to the path that leads to heaven. Through the intercession of your holy name, protect me from precipices towards which my passions blindly grope and as a luminous star be my guide that I may not err in such an important voyage towards the eternity that awaits me that I may finally have the pleasure of seeing You in the eternal glory. Amen.
Fifth Day
Concluding Prayer for the 5th Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O most patient and dolorous Mary, I humbly beseech you, O Virgin of Peñafrancia, that as it was amidst such bitterness and on the recommendation of Jesus that you willingly adopted us, though sinners, as your sons in the person of John. May your sweet name be so impressed in my heart, as a keepsake of your woes on the summit of Calvary, that I may from time to time think of the high price paid for my redemption and that I may appreciate it deeply, seeing to it that the fruits are not spoiled by my vices. Grant finally that the memory of your sorrows and those of your Holy Son, may give me strength and fortitude to carry willingly the cross the cross of this life that I may afterwards attain felicity and beatitude in the other. Amen.
Sixth Day
Concluding Prayer for the 6th Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O most perfect Queen and Mother Mary, I humbly beseech you, O Virgin of Peñafrancia, to make me faithful imitator of our merciful Lord, who makes the sun rise for the good and the wicked, who makes the rain falls for the just and unjust, who does good even to those who do Him evil, that we may likewise tolerate the wrongs of our fellowmen, that we may bear patiently their offenses, wishing them the salvation of their souls, that the Lord may also have compassion on me, forgiving my sins and leading me on the way to eternity where I may bless and enjoy Him forever. Amen.
Seventh Day
Concluding Prayer for the 7th Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O most gracious Queen and Lady, I humbly beseech you, O Virgin of Peñafrancia, to stretch them out mercifully to give me all the graces that I need to fulfill the obligations of the state of life that I have chosen, that I may live pleasing to the eyes of God. Pray most merciful patroness, for all your children but in a special manner, for me the most unworthy of them all. Help me, o lovable Mother, to atone for all my sins and to have the courage to confess them all at the foot of the ministers of your holy Son. Make me prefer to lose life rather than the friendship of God and that after death I may bless and enjoy Him with you for all eternity. Amen.
Eight Day
Concluding Prayer for the 8th Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O sovereign Queen and Lady, Mary, I humbly beseech you, O Virgin of Peñafrancia, through the intercession of such a powerful name, to grant me all the temporal graces I need to lead a peaceful life and to spend my day in charitable deeds. Deeply obliged to God for those blessings, may I not use them foolishly in loathsome vanities and mundane pleasures, but rather do good to my neighbors and give honor to that Lord who has destined me for the riches of heaven which I hope to attain through the help of your sublime name. Amen.
Ninth Day
Concluding Prayer for the 9th Day
(Same prayers as those of the first day, except the following Concluding Prayer.)
O most lovable Queen and Mother, Mary, whose most sweet name gladdens the heart and consoles the soul in all tribulations, I humbly beseech you, O Virgin of Peñafrancia, to instill in those of us who venerate your sacred name which means “hope”, this important theological virtue with which we may strengthen our spirit amidst the innumerable perils in which we live. As strangers in this vale of tears and deprived still of the clear vision of our God and Creator, and confiding in the power of our Lord for whom nothing is impossible in this life, we hope to refrain the impulses of our passions and tread peacefully the path that leads to eternal life, that thus, through piety and devotion, we may attain, after conquering our enemies, the beatitude for which we were created and wherein we shall live eternally grateful to you, to your all powerful intercession. Amen.
Closing Prayer
Closing Prayer
Holy Mary, help of the unfortunate, strength of the faint-hearted, health of the sick, pray for all the people, intercede for the clergy, plead for the devout feminine sex, may all who call upon your Name feel the power of your intercession with God.
Grant to us who praise you, O Lady. Secure help in the struggle against our enemies.
To your faithful people, rejoicing in the name and protection of the most holy Virgin Mary, vouchsafe, O Almighty God, we beseech You through her loving intercession to be delivered from all evils here on earth, and to be accounted worthy to enter into everlasting joys in heaven, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Act of Love to Our Pure and Immaculate Mother, Mary
(Recite five Hail Mary’s and the following prayer)
O sovereign Queen of the Angels, most Holy Virgin of Peñafrancia, Mary Most Holy, I ………………………., the greatest of all sinners, prostrate at your feet, humbly offer these five Hail Mary’s with reverence and in honor of the five letters that make up your most sweet name: MARIA, I beseech you, O lovable Mother to imprint it deeply in my heart, that from now on I may invoke it more frequently and more devotedly than in the past and that I may deserve the choice graces of our Lord. Amen.
With my soul thus enriched with the treasure of your love and solicitude, help me to have a peaceful and holy death preceded by a sincere repentance and the worthy reception of the last sacraments. Finally grant me your valuable assistance for which I will be deeply grateful and which I hope to bless you in heaven for all eternity. Amen.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, pray for us (5x)
Prayer to the Virgin of Peñafrancia
Prayer to the Virgin of Peñafrancia
Turn to me thine eyes,
Oh most loving Virgin of Peñafrancia
and have mercy on my soul
that comes to thee, full of repentance.
Protect my family, relatives, friends and benefactors.
Intercede for your devotees,
both the living and the dead,
especially for those whom
I am most obliged to help.
Pray for me, console me and save me.
In my hours of peril, adversity and afflictions,
above all, in the hour of my death,
appear before your Divine Son
to help and defend me.
Tell Him that I am your devotee,
that having complete trust in your protection
I kneel before your miraculous image
to ask for your powerful intercession.
Virgin of Peñafrancia, Pray for me,
help me, console me, and deliver me from all evil. Amen.
Final Hymn- Resuene Vibrante
Himno a la Virgen de Peñafrancia
Resuene vibrante el himno de amor
Que entona tu pueblo con grata y emocion
Resuene vibrante el himno de amor
Que entona tu pueblo con grata emocion
Patrona del Bicol Gran Madre de Dios
Se siempre la Reina de Nuestra Region
Patrona del Bicol Gran Madre de Dios
Se siempre la Reina de Nuestra Region.
Estrofa I:
Los rios murmuran tu nombre al correr
Los montes proclaman tu gloria y poder
El pueblo creyente con gozo te ve
Te canta amoroso y besa tu pie
El pueblo creyente con gozo te ve
Te canta amoroso y besa tu pie.
Estrofa II:
Patrona del Bicol altar del amor
Reliquia bendita que el cielo nos dio
Escucha benigna del pueblo el clamor
Que acude a tu Templo con fe y devocion
Patrona del Bicol altar del amor
Reliquia bendita que el cielo nos dio
Escucha benigna del pueblo el clamor
Que acude a tu Templo con fe y devocion.
Estrofa III:
Los pobres y tristes te buscan con fe
Te miran llorando les miras tambien
Al punto sus lagrimas se truscan en bien
Y a casa gozosos les vemos volver
Los pobres y tristes te buscan con fe
Te miran llorando les miras Tambien
Al punto sus lagrimas se truscan en bien
Y a casa gozosos les vemos volver.
Bicol Text
Maski an kasalogan
Sambit an si’mong ngaran
Maski an kabukiran
Ika an rokyaw.
Kami si’mong aki
Pano’ nin kaogmahan
Si’mong nangangako’
Ika kamo’tan.
Awiton an awit nin pagkamoot
Sa saimo samuyang idinodolot
Awiton an awit nin pagkamoot
Sa saimo samuyang idonodolot.
Patrona nin Bikol, Ina ka nin Dios