Parish Catechetical Ministry
After a brief hiatus of working in the ‘vineyard of the Lord’ twelve (12) catechists of the parish of St. Stephen Protomartyr had its first On-Going Formation (OGF) on February 19, 2025 at the PPC office. Armed with renewed enthusiasm and ardor to execute their tasks, the volunteers eagerly equipped themselves with the inputs and insights shared by Mrs. JOSEFINA B. BASILLA, Diocesan Lay Co-Chair, Commission on Christian Education and Coordinator of Legaspi Catechetical Ministry.
The OGF program conducted on a regular monthly basis gave the participants the opportunity to revisit its main objective which is “ to make available to catechists a wellspring of living water that nourishes and strengthens conviction and commitment to Christ and His teachings.” Further, as PCP II stressed “For all catechists, OGF programs are a necessity in order to increase their fervor, purify their motives and improve their knowledge and teaching skills.” This formation also updates the catechists with current catechetical issues and provides renewed appreciation of catechesis which aims to attain practical results in their lives, in the community, within the Church and even beyond its visible boundaries. The OGF serves as one of the great factors that contribute to their commitment and growth as catechists. (Diocesan Pastoral Manual)
Other important points revisited included : the catechist as “praying catechist”, their roles and functions in the ministry, the catechist as a TEACHER and witness, and catechist who ministers to the less privileged, the differently abled, the dysfunctional families and other sectors found in irregular situations, the catechists as PILGRIMS of Hope journeying together towards the Kingdom of God who are continually on the move, and catechists in the synodal Church.

This initial activity of the Catechetical Ministry hopes to rekindle the fire of love inspired by the Holy Spirit and fuel its desire to work more ardently in building the Kingdom of God here on earth.