National Bible Month Celebration

C:\Users\Toshiba\Documents\ST. STEPHEN\Pics\Bible Sunday Celebration 25JAN2025\20250125_170032.jpg

National Bible Month is an annual event held in January, where the last week as National Bible Week and the last Sunday as the Bible Sunday. Thus, the Bible animators of St. Stephen the Protomartyr gathered last January 25, 2025 to celebrate the National Bible Month.  The event began at 4:00 ni the afternoon with colorful Bible Cosplay procession in the poblacion of the city. Each bible characters were presented following the Enthronement of the Bible and finally concluded with Holy Mass at 5:00PM presided by Fr. Pau Barandon.  The celebration was led by the Parish Commission on Christian Education through the Sub-Commission on Biblical Apostolate and was participated by the Parish Pastoral Council, Youth, Ministers, Religious organizations, and Barangay Pastoral Councils. 

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C:\Users\Toshiba\Documents\ST. STEPHEN\Pics\Bible Sunday Celebration 25JAN2025\20250125_171322.jpg
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